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We all have heard the phrase that health is wealth. Health screener CPS will help you understand that health maintenance is in your own hands only, and no other power can make you go for the preventive measures. Thus, if you want to stay healthy, the efforts that need to be put in should come from your end.
Recently, after the COVID pandemic surge, health-related systems have been upgraded. Especially in institutions, people are more attentive to health-related details than before. There are certain measures put in place that are exemplary. Chicago Public Schools also have a certain system that allows easy screening and maintenance.
What is the health screener CPS
If you are a Chicago resident and want to attend the school, no matter whether you are a student or a staff member, you must fill in an online Daily Health Screener before entering the intended institute. We can say that if you want to enter any institute, then this is the mandatory process. Even the visitors are not exempted from the procedure and must follow it to the letter.
Getting to know CPS
The details help us understand that it is actually an online form with the title of Daily Health Screener that ensures that the individual that is entering the institute is healthy or not. No matter which category that person belongs to, he surely has to fill in his details before putting a step inside. There should be no gaps, and you must fill in the details daily.
The online and manual form filling
As we have already discussed, most institutions have opted for the online form filling method, but still, some institutes have not put this in operation. Therefore the students, staff, and personnel there also have to answer some queries daily. The details help us understand that if the responses include a Yes at any stage, then that particular individual will be refrained from getting an entrance into the institute.
The categories of the public
Nowadays, after the COVID surge, people can be divided into two different categories. One of them includes the individuals that have got themselves vaccinated against the virus. On the other hand, there are those too who are still not vaccinated. Thus if we talk about the health screener CPS, then the terms and conditions for the individuals for both categories are different.
The vaccinated individuals
Below we have mentioned some details regarding the queries you might encounter in a CPS screener.
1. The symptoms
The very first query will be regarding the choice of the symptoms. The person in question will be presented with a list of symptoms and when will be asked to point out whether he has been experiencing any of these lately or not, especially in the past 24 hours. If the response is yes, then the entry will be denied.
2. The COVID test
The second query will ask you for the COVID-19 test. You have to state whether you are waiting for any COVID test or not. These are the tests you have conducted outside the schools instead of the ones being conducted inside the campus for the safety of the student and staff communities. If you state that you are waiting for the results of any COVID test, then you will be denied entrance.
3. The positive test in the past five days
The vaccinated individuals have to pledge whether in the past five days they have tested positive for the pandemic virus or not. If yes, the results should be immediately reported to the desired portal or web address for effective management.
Queries for non-vaccinated individuals
As we have already discussed, the queries for vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals are completely different. Therefore you must go through the ones for the non-vaccinated individuals too. You might find a few similar, but others are totally different.
1. Checking the symptoms
The very first query is similar in the case of vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals, in which a person has to report whether he has been experiencing any symptoms or not. There is a list of options, and the person has to choose from them.
2. Testing positive in the past five days
One of the most important queries that you will come across will be the fact whether the person in question has been near to a person who has been tested positive for the killer pandemic virus in the past five days or not.
3. Query regarding the COVID test
A query regarding the COVID test is also repeated, and you will be asked to report whether you are waiting for any test regarding COVID screening exempting the ones being held in the schools for screening purposes.
4. Reporting the threat level of inter-state travel
The CDPH or Chicago Department of Public Health has released a map of different states that are marked according to the threat level they are currently experiencing. If a person has visited a state marked as orange, he or she has to report it before entering the institution.
5. International travel reports
The last question is regarding international travel. The individual has to share whether he has traveled internationally or not. Also, he has to mention that the country that he visited was standing at which mark of risk. Whether it was moderate, higher, or at extreme risk. The details regarding international travel are conducted based upon the information regarding the last ten days.
The inferences
The details help us understand that the individuals who will answer Yes to any single question in the vaccinated or non-vaccinated section will be refrained from entering the desired institutes. Also, they would be requested to stay at home.
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Health screener CPS is a well-thought phenomenon, and it has the potential to ensure that the public is safe from the effects of the pandemic and also to ensure that the health standards of the community are maintained, and no stone is left unturned for the perfect health management at campuses.