5 Typical Thesis Statement Mistakes

Statement Mistakes

Writing a good academic paper entails several elements. There are different sections that make a research paper compelling. One of the important sections is the introduction, which creates a smooth transition in your paper. One of the elements that make an introduction to an academic paper is a thesis statement. The main questions are, what is a thesis statement, and how can you write a good thesis statement? Are there any mistakes to watch out for?

For these and many other insights about thesis statements and dissertation edit service concerns, keep reading this guide to make more discoveries about the whole context of writing thesis statements. 

What does a thesis statement mean?

The thesis statement is a single sentence that appears in the conclusion section of the introduction chapter. It is simply a summary of what the whole paper is all about. Based on the topic you are covering, a thesis statement can be in the form of an explanatory thesis statement, argumentative thesis statement, or analytical thesis statement. 

What are the qualities of a good thesis statement?

Are you wondering how to craft a compelling thesis statement? Well, note the qualities highlighted below that make up a good thesis statement. 

  • A thesis statement should be arguable
  • Make sure a thesis statement is concise
  • Create an original thesis statement
  • A thesis statement should not be obvious (either true or false)
  • Avoid general thesis statements. Keep the focus on the main objective of the research paper.
  • Ensure your thesis statement has a claim

While there are many other qualities that make up a good thesis statement, the highlighted features are the main basics that you should note every time you craft a desirable thesis statement. The next part is all about the typical thesis statement mistakes and how you can avoid the mistakes. 

No connection to the rest of the research paper

You can have the best thesis statement that follows all the characteristics of a good thesis statement. However, if the elements highlighted or described in the thesis statement don’t align with what the topic or the research paper is all about, then it is worthless. Remember that everything, including the points you will describe in the paper, must align with your thesis statement, and the reader must connect with what you intend to put across once they read your thesis statement. 

Writing a broader thesis statement

When writing, you may feel like you need to generalize your thesis statement by including varied details. However, a simple and easy to comprehend thesis statement should narrow the focus to a specific issue. If possible, keep the focus mainly on keywords. 

Using a wrong format

In most cases, students often master the general rule of writing a thesis statement. However, one element they forget is that a thesis statement for an argumentative essay will differ from a thesis statement for a persuasive essay. Therefore, for killer papers discount, always understand the type of your essay, then format your thesis statement appropriately.

Using complex phrases

Including complex words or phrases in a thesis statement may sound like a perfect idea. However, it is not always ideal to include such phrases in your thesis. Keeping your thesis statement simple and easy to comprehend is the real deal. 

Writing a factual thesis statement

A thesis statement should stimulate arguments. However, if you write a fact as your thesis statement, there is no point in doing the research, and the reader will see no point in reading through the entire paper. Therefore, make sure you craft an arguable thesis statement. 


Writing a good thesis statement may seem a complex task. However, as long as you master the mistakes you need to avoid, as highlighted in this guide, you will never have a hard time writing the best thesis statement.