A Guide to Choosing and Sending Flowers

Sending Flowers

Flowers have long been an incredibly popular gift to give, and for good reason. They look great, instantly brighten up a space, and can give off a subtle and peasant aroma. Whether you are ordering or sending flowers or picking them up at the store, they are a great gift to give for many different occasions or holidays.

However, with there being an almost endless amount of different kinds of flowers out there, choosing the right one can be challenging and may take some time. Having so many options can make it hard to choose just one. In an effort to help you out, this guide is going to go over some helpful tips for choosing and sending flowers to your friends or family members. Additionally, when considering flower arrangements, explore convenient options like flower delivery Calgary to ensure a seamless and timely surprise for your loved ones

However, with there being an almost endless amount of different kinds of flowers out there, choosing the right one can be challenging and may take some time. Having so many options can make it hard to choose just one. In an effort to help you out, this guide is going to go over some helpful tips for choosing and sending flowers to your friends or family members.

Consider the Occasion

When deciding which flowers to send, you need to think about the occasion. The flowers you send for something like a birthday will be vastly different from what you would send to a funeral or to your partner on Valentine’s Day.

For example, red roses are perfect for Valentine’s Day, but would certainly send mixed messages if you give them to a friend to celebrate their graduation from college. Some flowers can work for many occasions, while others are relatively restricted.

If you want to learn the best flowers for different occasions, it is a good idea to learn about the meanings and symbolism behind popular flowers. This can help you decide which to send depending on the situation, to make sure it is appropriate.

Know the Person You are Sending Them to

In addition to the occasion, you should also know the person or people you are sending flowers to. Everyone is different and has different preferences when it comes to the flowers that they love. Some may like subtle flowers with hardly any scent, while others may prefer big and boisterous blooms with an aroma that fills a room.

To ensure you get the right ones, there are some questions to ask yourself before buying someone flowers. This includes your relationship to the person, your budget, what the person prefers, the colors they like, if they have pets, or what sort of message you are trying to send.

Also, be aware if the individual has any allergies to things like pollen, as some flowers can irritate those who are allergic. If you make all the right considerations, you should end up with flowers that the individual will love.

Buy Local or Online?

Once you have an idea of the person and occasion, you can begin shopping for the flowers and choosing the right ones. But when it comes to buying flowers, you have two distinct choices to choose from.

You can opt to head down to the local flower shop to pick them up, or order them online. If you are going to buy them online, be sure to familiarize yourself with some tips for buying flowers online, to make sure you have a good experience.

So which is better? Well, it depends. Buying in person lets you see the actual flowers and get in possession of them immediately, which is great if you need them last minute. Unfortunately, the available flowers at many in-person shops is lackluster and online shopping provides a much greater variety, and you can get access to higher quality flowers, too. Also, the pricing when looking online is often better than in-store, as their overhead will generally be lower.

Know How to Identify Fresh Flowers

Valentine’s Day

Next, it is very important to ensure the flowers you choose and send are high-quality and fresh. If you give and send flowers that are already showing signs of deterioration and are already on their last legs, they won’t last very long or look very good.

There are some things to watch out for to ensure the flowers you buy are fresh. Fresh flowers should have firm petals that are bright and colorful, and not beginning to brown. The stems should be solid and green, leaves should look good, and there should be no signs of wilting.

When ordering online, you don’t actually see the exact flowers you will be buying in most cases. Because of this, you need to put a lot of trust into the company or service you buy them from. Always ensure you are buying your flowers online from a reputable company who is known for their quality.

Also, once you get the flowers and before you send them anywhere or give them to someone, you want to cut the stem a little and immediately put them in water. While it will be up to your recipient to care for the flowers once they get them, they are your responsibility before that. Because of this, make sure you are doing all you can to keep the flowers looking good.

Start Looking Early

In many cases, it is a good idea to start searching for your flowers early. If you wait too long, you may discover the flower you want is sold out, and have to quickly pivot to a different gift or idea.

This is especially true if you are buying around popular flower-buying holidays. This includes Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and others. People buy a ton of flowers around these dates, and many places will often sell out of almost everything.

If you wait too long to buy, you may have trouble finding the flower you were looking for, both in-store and online. Also, keep in mind that if you buy online, there is a chance there will be a bit of a wait for delivery. So if you order flowers online the day before you need them, they may not arrive in time, so be careful and give yourself some wiggle room.

In conclusion, we hope that this guide has been able to help you both choose and send the best flowers possible. Any flowers are sure to be appreciated, but choosing and sending the right ones is always a good idea.