Clean Eating: Nutritious Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden

Clean Eating: Nutritious Vegetables

Eating in a restaurant or fast-food chains with people who are dear to you is always fun and delightful. However, people often forget to take a step back and think of how costly these are and how these processed foods have an unpleasant effect on our bodies. Here is the note on Clean Eating: Nutritious Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden.

Eating healthy while having a budget is usually a problematic combo, especially if you’re still transitioning to clean eating since you don’t have much knowledge about it yet. However, there are some methods wherein you can eat healthier foods for a reasonable price.

One of which is growing your nutritious vegetables in your garden! Planting your own also comes with lots of benefits, such as saving money on groceries. It can also serve as your exercise, and you consume healthier foods. In line with these, here are some of the nutritious vegetables you can grow:


This versatile green vegetable is suitable for patient gardeners. It takes a minimum of one to two years before you can start to harvest these asparagus. But, it’s all worth it since it’s filled with several nutritional contents such as Vitamins A, C, K, and Fibers.

The asparagus needs to be deep-rooted before the harvesting starts to reach its maturity and support the harvests. Once harvested, you can enjoy this healthy vegetable and cook it in any way you want. Moreover, you can get detailed instructions here to learn more how to grow it.


Almost every household has lettuce in their garden. That’s how easy this vegetable can be grown. Planting lettuce doesn’t need a great deal of effort. As far as plant location goes, plant the vegetable to receive a sufficient amount of sunlight during spring or autumn. 

However, in planting during summer, sow it in an area where it can receive a partial shade to protect from direct sunlight and summer heat. The key to growing these vegetables is keeping the soil moist. Thus, watering it should only be moderate but consistent. Avoid excessive watering, for it rots the roots and hinders growth. 

Harvesting is also simple and should be done after it has achieved a desirable size. There are different varieties of lettuce you can choose from as well. Four of which are the following:

Loose Leaf Lettuce

This type is considered the easiest lettuce to grow, and it matures to a minimum of five weeks, but you don’t have to wait that long to harvest it.

Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce is known as the most common today. It forms tall and thick leaves, which generally takes ten to twelve weeks to mature.

Crisphead Lettuce

This variety of vegetables is considered demanding since it required a lot of care than the others. It usually takes twelve weeks to mature, and it can bear less heat than the others.

Butterhead Lettuce

This variety is named after its subtle buttery flavor. It produces a bundle of tender lettuce leaves, which generally takes four to mature and is ready for harvest. However, some might take ten weeks to develop, depending on its kind.


Planting cucumbers is preferable in warm and humid places with organic soil. A great deal of sunlight is vital in growing these kinds of vegetables. (Zolpidem) Considering how cucumbers are vine crops, it usually requires a lot of space. However, to save up some space, you can put support and maybe train it to climb on a trellis since it naturally wants to go up.

The cucumber seeds should be sown one inch deep and a few feet apart from each other. From there, you can harvest cucumbers in seven to ten weeks and enjoy this delicious vegetable. Also, please don’t wait for them to get too large, or else they will get bitter.


Tomatoes are very easy to grow in your garden since they’re affordable and fit even in the smallest garden. You want to develop a strong rooting system for this vegetable wherein it will receive a considerable amount of sunlight. It typically takes eight to fourteen weeks before you can harvest and enjoy the firm but juicy vegetable


Potatoes produce abundant harvests. Plant them in loose and fertile soil in a location wherein they will receive full sun, and they will have ample growth.  Sow them in three to four-inch soil every after twelve to fourteen inches in the trenches you dug. 

Also, water them until it reaches at least one inch per week and harvests them after ten to twenty weeks when the foliage begins to die back. You will never go wrong with planting potatoes, for it will save you money. 


The vegetables mentioned above are only a few out of numerous vegetables you grow in your garden. Clean eating requires discipline, but it can be easy and enjoyable once you get the hang of it. Through this, you can still enjoy gatherings with your favorite healthily and affordably.