Drug detox: fast, professional, safe


Constant use of drugs of the opioid group (heroin, methadone, morphine, etc.) leads to the depletion of dopamine in the body. To get the expected euphoria, a drug addict begins to take an increasing dose of drugs, which causes intoxication of the body. If there is no such possibility or the addict himself decides to refuse the dose, a withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal) develops with painful physical and mental manifestations. You can cleanse the body, remove withdrawal quickly, painlessly and safely with the help of UROD in a drug treatment clinic. If you are looking for medications, doctors can help where can you get suboxone through consultations.

UFOD is an ultra fast opioid detoxification that works by blocking drugs and displacing them from opioid receptors.

The main advantage of this method is the ability to detoxify the body under anesthesia, which makes the patient’s suffering from withdrawal symptoms painless. And if the usual detox lasts from 14 days when taking natural drugs, up to 30 days when taking synthetic drugs, then UFOD therapy lasts about 8 hours plus several days under the supervision of a doctor.


UFOD: how does it go

The procedure must be carried out in the intensive care unit in the narcological clinic. This will avoid possible complications and promptly respond to changes in the patient’s condition.

Stages of UFOD:

  • Laboratory and hardware diagnostics. The patient of the clinic undergoes an examination to draw up an individual therapy plan and select the dosage of medicines.
  • Introduction to anesthesia. Tracheal intubation is performed with the installation of an endotracheal tube and a nasogastric tube to monitor the patient’s condition.
  • The introduction of an intravenous blocker of mu-opiate receptors. The drug displaces the decay products of narcotic substances, and anesthesia ensures the painlessness of the procedure and the manifestations of somatic symptoms of withdrawal.
  • Withdrawal from anesthesia. Observation, psychological assistance, taking an analysis for the content of drugs in the body.



Since UFOD therapy is performed under anesthesia, there are a number of contraindications:

  • Acute infectious diseases
  • Lung diseases in acute and chronic stages
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems
  • Acute psychoses
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding


UFOD in the clinic “MedicoMente”

In the center of modern addictology “MedicoMente” in Kiev, experienced doctors conduct ultra-rapid detoxification therapy for opioid group drugs in an intensive care unit. Only licensed preparations are used for the procedure. The clinic is equipped with expert-class equipment, which allows qualified doctors and medical staff to provide safe and painless cleansing of the body from drugs.

UFOD is the first step on the path to quitting drugs. The clinic has the opportunity not only to cleanse the body, but also to undergo pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment for drug addiction.