Essential Things to Consider Before Getting a Hair Transplant

Thinning hair can have a psychological impact, such as low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Whether the underlying cause is aging, stress, or certain health conditions, hair loss is a significant concern for many adults and teenagers. 

If you’re dealing with the same problem, know you’re not alone. You probably have tried numerous home remedies, chemical hair products, and hair loss treatments without successful results. It can be frustrating, but luckily, these days, you can get back your hair through a transplant. 

Now, with technological advancements, you can get your bald patch in your follicles checked out on with professional surgeons and achieve natural-looking hair at affordable price. A hair transplant seems like a great permanent solution to restore your hair and confidence. 

But first, you should consider some essential things before getting a hair transplant. 

How Does Hair Transplant Work?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure. It involves transferring healthy hair to bald or thinning areas of the scalp. It’s performed by healthcare providers specializing in the skin or reconstructive procedures. A hair transplant can make a big difference when struggling with hair loss. 

However, it’s worth noting that you’ll need sufficient donor hair to supply the thinning or balding areas. Unlike organ transplants, the donor hair doesn’t come from another person. Healthy follicles should come from you, typically in your head’s back and side areas. 

The following are two primary techniques for hair transplantation. Although both work well in restoring thicker and natural-looking hair, the better option depends on your personalized consultation with the healthcare provider. 

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): This method requires harvesting a strip of hair from the donor area. Once dissected into individual follicular units, they are transplanted into the thinning and balding areas. 
  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FEU): This procedure involves extracting hair follicles individually from the donor area and implanting them in areas with thinning or balding. It doesn’t need an incision, which is why it’s also commonly called a no linear scar technique. 

Are You an Ideal Candidate? 

The decision to go through a hair transplant is ultimately up to you. If your hair loss has been progressing for five years, getting a hair transplant might seem like a great idea. However, the procedure isn’t for everyone. 

The dermatologist or surgeon will give you a thorough scalp exam if you’re qualified to get a hair transplant. To be eligible for the procedure, you might need to meet the following criteria: 

  • Have enough healthy hair on your scalp that can be transplanted to the thinning or balding areas. 
  • The ability to grow hair on the scalp’s thinning area. 

How Long Is the Recovery Process? 

How soon you can recover and return to your routine depends on the length, complexity, and type of surgical procedure you had. 

With the FUT method, the wound must be closed with surgical staples, so the donor area gets healed. Once removed after two weeks, there will be a clear scar on the back of the head. The donor area will turn red and swollen during the first few days after the procedure. Typically, most FUT cases take up to five weeks to recover. 

Meanwhile, the FUE only used hollow needles to remove the grafts from the donor area. Since the resulting minor wounds don’t require stitches, the recovery process in this method is faster, typically within a few weeks. 

While most hair transplants succeed, keep in mind that it can take up to nine months before your hair takes root and starts to fill in. It’s typical for the transplanted hair to fall out after several months and then grow again. 

Choose an Expert for a Successful Hair Transplant

Getting a hair transplant isn’t a regular cosmetic treatment. Remember that it’s a medical procedure that should be performed only by professional doctors or surgeons. Fortunately, Canada has some of the best clinics across the globe that provide a full range of hair procedures and treatments.

If you’re looking for a reliable Toronto hair transplant clinic, you will easily find many skilled and experienced professionals in hair loss. Many of them may offer a consultation at no cost to discuss what you precisely need.