How to Choose The Right Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center

Substance abuse for most patients came as a result of, or along with, a mental health disorder. Mental health disorders have long been associated with many impulsive behaviors such as excessive indulgence, compulsive gambling, and even substance abuse. 

A dual diagnosis treatment aims at addressing both the substance abuse history and mental health concerns. As expected, different treatment centers have different approaches to this kind of treatment. It’s essential to know what to look for when choosing a dual diagnosis center.

But doing a Google search on “dual diagnosis treatment centers near me” is one step of the process. You need to create a plan and follow it through. Allow us to guide you through this process.

1. Confirm That They Are Licensed

A proper dual treatment facility should be licensed by the appropriate regulatory bodies: separate mental health and substance use rehabilitation licensing. Licensing should be the first thing you check and use as a disqualifier to narrow down your choices. 

They should additionally have accreditation for meeting the industry standard from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, Council On Accreditation, or Joint Commission Accreditation. 

This ensures that you or your loved one are in the hands of professionals that have met all the standards required to run such an institution.

2. Does Their Program offer Long-term Treatment?

Traditional 30-day programs barely offer an individual optimal functioning from their treatment. Ensure the treatment center meets the basic requirements by providing programs that take anything above 60 to 90 days of treatment. 

Effectively stabilizing individuals with co-occurring disorders like trauma and other severe mental health symptoms and drug abuse will take time.

Long-term treatment programs give individuals the best opportunity to cement their successful recovery through continuums of care. They provide an environment for recovered individuals to showcase their newly developed and learned skills. 

Such programs will allow individuals to start some part-time work, volunteer, or join a school while still having support and care. They help individuals increase their independence as they attain success while cultivating meaningful life activities.

3. Are The Staff Trained In Evidence-Based Treatment?

A high-quality dual treatment center will ensure that all the staff is certified to give evidence-based treatment modalities. Evidence-based treatment has shown successful outcomes in patients through research data and scientific evidence. 

Dual diagnosis treatment centers are faced with multiple conditions and disorders. They, therefore, need highly credentialed staff that are trained academically and have years of experience handling such complexities. Most centers will have the credentials of their staff listed on their site.

Looking for Dual Treatment Diagnosis Centres Near Me?

Choosing a good dual diagnosis treatment center is crucial in the road to recovery. Many have based their choice on something as simple as location and go to whichever is closest to them. 

If your loved one were to inform you that their program is not giving them sufficient assistance, you would automatically know that they are at risk of other negative emotions and discouragement that could lead to a relapse. 

Pay attention to this step and do your homework on the facilities. Only commit when you are satisfied with their abilities.