How To Know If Someone Restricted You On Instagram

How To Know If Someone Restricted You On Instagram


In modern times social media is all that you have. How to know if someone restricted you on Instagram is a question that is hammering the brains of social media users. Nowadays, social media is not just a way of entertainment. Now we find the different startups conducting ecommerce business through these platforms.

The already established businesses are using social media marketing to make their sales grow faster. Instagram is categorized at the top of the most utilized social media platform the most utilized Social media platforms, and you will find people of all ages and sectors utilizing it for their promotions.

If you are a celebrity lover, you can find your favorite celebrities on Instagram with a few touches. In this article, you will get to know how you can understand whether you are restricted by someone on Instagram.

What is privacy

Gone are the days of privacy, and welcome to social media. Thus, if we look, we will come to know that people nowadays are closer to their friends on social media platforms than they are to their friends and people in real life.

The updated definition of privacy

Although, in these modern times, there is nothing like privacy, this term is being utilized to address the restrictions a platform implements on its users. Also, there are certain options that the user can utilize to make sure that certain individuals can get in touch with their content and that others are to avoid it.

Getting blocked and getting restricted

Now, if we talk about some of the major privacy factors, such as getting blocked, we will know that it is extremely easy to understand because it is a piece of cake. On the other hand, if we talk about the restrictions of a particular user regarding your account on the Instagram platform, then getting to know it might take some excessive work.

The difference between getting blocked and getting restricted

Now you might be wondering about the fact that what is the difference between the restriction and getting blocked. Thus, if we look, we will come to know that when you are blocked, you are permanently prohibited from going for the content or the details of the user on the other side. Whereas if we talk about getting restricted, we will come to know that it is actually a feature introduced by Instagram that removes a person’s access to an account.

The major changes

Now, if we talk about getting blocked, you can easily determine it, but if we talk about getting restricted, then it is a subtle process, and it needs some work to determine it. Once you are restricted in such a case, the person cannot see the user’s content, including stories, posts, and comments. But if you like a post, it will stay there for the public. The major changes you might experience will be in the case of users’ comments, messages, and the activity status.

The comments restrictions

If we look at the restrictions on comments, we will know that once a user restricts you, your ability to comment is not taken away. It stays there, and you can still post your comments. Once you have posted it, you can witness it there. But such comments will not be witnessed by anyone else in that section.

Details regarding the comments restrictions

If we talk about the user who has applied these restrictions, we will know that he will still be able to see these comments, but they will be hidden in a section of “restricted comment”. The person can only watch it if he goes for it. But still, it will stay hidden from the public. The restrictions are not applied to the comments you have already made before getting restricted. Theremin unaffected.

The activity status restriction

The activity status of the users can also be restricted. Once a user is active, the status immediately becomes visible to the people in the friend list or the customized people. But if a user has restricted your access, you might not be able to see what was the last time they were online. Also, the information regarding the time they read your messages will also be hidden from the restricted user.

The message restrictions

One of the most important restrictions is regarding the restriction on the messages. If we look, we will come to know that people might be able to send the message just like they have been doing in normal days, but these messages will not be shown to the receiver. These messages will be categorized among the “request message folder”.

The detailed message restrictions

If the user wants to go through these messages, will go into the section and read the messages. Also, the general notification regarding the messages of the restricted user will not be received. Also, if a user is restricted and is present in a group chat, the others will be notified immediately that a restricted user is currently present in the group.

What differentiates the blocked users from the  restricted users

If we talk about the blocked users, they cannot access any kind of information regarding the profile of the person. All they will be able to witness will be the user name, the number of followers, the number of people following, and the number of posts. But if we talk about the restricted users, they do enjoy the perks because they have access to all the posts of the user, and they can go through their stories and all kinds of content they share.

If we talk about the comments, the blocked user will not be able to post one, whereas the user restricted from comments can post one, and the restrictor can witness them at their discretion. If we talk about the activity status of a person, then it will not be shown to the people in both cases that are blocked or restricted.

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If you want an answer to the query “how to know if someone restricted you on Instagram,” then the details mentioned above will guide you step by step through learning whether you are restricted or not, and once restricted, what are the perks and restrictions you will experience.