How to learn to write a good essay. How to make yourself write every day. Top 5 best ways


Writing skills are very useful not only for professional writers. Everyone needs to be able to write great texts. Especially bloggers, students, and even designers. In today’s world, most communication takes place in the written word. Therefore, the skill to state your thoughts in simple words even on the most complex topics is necessary for each of us. The more and more often we write down our thoughts, the easier it will be for us to state our thoughts succinctly and to the point, without unnecessary words. Selecting convincing words is not possible for everyone. That is why it is important to read a lot and enrich our vocabulary. Every day it is necessary to develop and learn new information. Only then it will be possible to convey their thoughts exciting and unique. Each writer has his authorial style. Each person is unique. So even if you don’t plan to become a professional writer, it will be good for you to improve your writing skills. Even writers are constantly trying to improve their skills, though. By the way, if you are a student and you realize that a writing assignment is beyond you, don’t hesitate to ask for help. The best solution is to hire an essay writer on and have peace of mind about the result. This is the best writing service that students trust with all their academic assignments.
Not everyone has writing talent. But talent itself is not enough for great writing. You have to constantly work and write as much as you can to gain experience. Can’t bring yourself to write every day? Don’t grieve! Know this: there are five ways to solve the painful issue.

Every beginning writer, and continuing writer as well, has a cruel torment of conscience about not being able to sit down at the writing desk and fulfill his or her writing destiny.

There are five willful methods for finding writing happiness and peace of mind.

Five sure-fire ways to find writing happiness

1. Not to write at all and save yourself from the daily drudgery
Millions of authors want to publish their books. Think about that enormous number. A crowd of a few tens of thousands is a creepy sight. And a crowd of a few million… And all writers?
It is easy to imagine the literary hell that bad writers go to it is a place where there are no boiling cauldrons, but many millions of envious writers who write every day but do not produce a single successful line.
Think and ask yourself: “Am I like them? Am I like everyone else?”

2. Writing solely on inspiration

This method allows you to lie on the couch all day, or go to work if that’s what you prefer.

3. Entrust your creativity to a literary worker who can work hard every day, without weekends and breaks for lunch, laziness, and the liquor store.

Let others write – that is the motto of the 21st-century man!
Why not? As long as your name, or rather your trademark, is on the cover! Many celebrities, who are shown on TV, do just that. And are considered, by the way, to be successful writers.
Don’t you want to go on TV?

4. Train your willpower.

There’s a special method for training your writing willpower: rewriting the classics. You take a volume by a famous writer, a stack of sheets of paper, and a pen, and off you go. And so every day.
You can change the classics: American, French, English; romanticism, critical realism, social realism, science fiction… Alternate fiction with special literature: rewrite dictionaries, for example.
I know a guy who used a ballpoint pen to rewrite four volumes of Dahl. (True, I try to stay away from him.)
Once you get used to rewriting, you’ll either get used to writing daily, or you’ll give up the very idea of writing.

5. Sit down at your desk and write.

The simplest method. Good for every day.
Of course, there are days when you don’t feel like working at your desk, there are days when you’re tired and worries overpower you, and there are also those damn days when you just want to grab your gun (glad it’s not around) and finish them off. On such bad days, believe me, there’s nothing better than writing.
Sit down at your computer, or pick up a pencil, if you’re old-fashioned, and get on with your book. Your characters are waiting for you. They are happy for you, reaching out to you, hugging you, kissing you, whispering words of love, and settling on your palm as fairies. They will never betray you, never leave you. Do not leave them.