As a professional marketing specialist, you must know about guerrilla campaigns. They involve well-synchronized activities, such as digital, outdoor, print, interactive, mobile, and even on-ground social activities.
The best examples of guerrilla campaigns have sites, apps, and various media resources. Every pro can tell you that a pro guerrilla campaign requires much effort, time, and enough budget to invest. It is the main reason why you have no right to make a mistake with such a serious campaign. The only way to achieve success in preparing such a campaign is by using the right professional tools and following certain processes. Let’s see the main factors that can help you create a pro-marketing strategy.
Listen To Your Intuition
Very commonly the most creative ideas come to your mind when you are not prepared and do not have a pen to write them down. You have to listen to your intuition and never ignore such ideas. They can affect your campaign enormously. However, we live in the digital era when professional marketers have access to analyzing tools that help understand whether a marketing campaign makes sense or not. That is why, you should listen to your intuition, but double-check your plan with professional tools, which can easily predict scenarios and the way your potential clients can react to your marketing campaign. It is a way to avoid a bad campaign and save your budget. You can try the Monetate tool to segment your potential audience, study the behavior of an average buyer, or deliver high-quality content.
Encourage Brainstorming Within Your Team
A marketing department consists of many different specialists, like creative directors, planners, writers, graphics designers, and ad buyers. Make sure your team works as one organism and you, as the team leader, have to encourage brainstorming activities. Such creative thinking is essential in marketing. You can use such tools as Rovio or XMind to make the creative process easier and manage marketing campaigns faster.
Master a 360-Degree View
If you want your guerrilla marketing campaign to be successful, you have to master a 360-degree view. The secret is to imagine all possible ways your main idea can be fulfilled in life. By working in this schema, you start imagining many minor details, which impact the final result. Your mind has to be sharp and focused all the time if you do not want to waste a huge budget.
Communicate With Your Team
When you start planning your marketing campaign, many things happen behind the scenes. Encourage all members of the team to be involved in the entire process. Most marketing agencies use various collaboration tools to allocate tasks and schedule essential events. If you are looking for a handy tool to boost your project management, you can try WorkZone. It permits your team members to highlight some new ideas, leave notes, have access to files, comment on media content, and as a result, bring your marketing campaign to a new level.
Take Your Campaign Online
Once your marketing campaign has been presented online, you have to consider every conversation, comment, and feedback. You will achieve better results if you master social media monitoring and practical analytics tools. The best option is Brandwatch for gathering feedback, analyzing emotions, finding influencers, and identifying crises on time.
Guerrilla marketing is not easy, but once you master it, you can consider yourself a pro in marketing. It can make your business grow enormously. Now you can see the importance of taking care of brand reputation at all stages. Let’s hope that the tips below will help you deliver the best guerrilla campaign ever!