Melissa Lucio daughter autopsy photos

Melissa Lucio daughter autopsy photos


We all love to be a part of something special. Melissa Lucio daughter autopsy photos will help you understand that many people in this world do not get a chance to live a perfect life. They do have to go through several difficulties. Whether the end is fruitful or not, but surfing is long-lasting.

Similarly, if we talk about the inmates in correction facilities all over the world, then they are filled with thousands of stories that are worth telling. But nobody bothers to go for their point of view.

We have witnessed in the past that sometimes justice does not prevail. In fact, innocence is punished. This is something that needs to be shunned as soon as possible. It depends upon your wisdom that do you know how to differentiate between the guilty and the innocent or not.

Who is Melissa Lucio

Melissa Lucio is a name that made quite a noise in the media circles, and this was a sensation all over the world. The reason being that she was thought to be the reason for the death of her 2-year-old child. This is surely eye-opening. You might be wondering whether this is possible or not. So let us tell you that if we look at the details, we will come to know that the kid died after she experienced a fall from the stairs.

Melissa Lucio daughter autopsy photos

Now it is very important to know about the unknown detail of the event. Those wondering about the children should know that Melissa had 12 children then. Thus her late daughter Mariah can be ranked as the youngest one. The authorities arrested her on the count of the death of her daughter’s murder. You might be wondering why did the authorities made such a decision? So let us tell you that they arrested her after the autopsy results.

The conviction of the mother

You might wonder what was so shocking about the autopsy report that the child’s mother was convicted. So let us tell you that there was dispersed bruising on her body, and these bruisings were in several stages of the healing process. There were also some injuries to the skull. Along with this, the contusions of the lungs, kidneys, and spinal cords make the authorities believe that it was not an accident but a matter of domestic abuse.

The case details

You might be craving the details regarding her case. So let us tell you that the information is not very promising. In fact, it is as clear as day that Melissa will be punished hard. The State of Texas has Melissa’s execution scheduled for April 27. Thus the time was running thin for her, so she decided to put up a legal fight.

Motion filing for delayed execution

It was on February 8 when the famed mother filed a motion to withdraw the execution date or at least delay it. Later on, after a month of hard work, the legal team decided to file a petition for clemency on March 22 to the governor. The petition was also filed to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles

A legal fight

If you think this legal fight has helped the famed mother, it is not that easy. Because if we look, then we will understand that her life is not completely out of danger. Also, a Habeas petition was filed by the legal time of Melissa to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to seek a stay order regarding the execution. This petition was filed on April 15th. The petition argues that Melissa deserves a totally new trial because she is still innocent. The legal team also relayed that the state relied on the false evidence and hid the favorable ones to get the conviction.

The death of the young one

First of all, let us fill you with the details regarding the event. The daughter Mariah had a physical disability and could not keep her balance while she moved and walked. Also, it was on 15th February when the family was busy in shifting homes, and she fell down the flight of stairs. The data suggest that two days after the fall, she fell asleep and never woke up again.

Both sides of the story

The two different sides of the stories are being presented in court. According to the prosecutors, the mother abused her daughter, which became the reason for her death. Still, if we talk about the convicted mother’s lawyers, they say that it was all because of the fall that the little one experienced.

The medical debate

The matter of the false conviction is serious because the convicted mother has been suffering for almost 14 years now. Also, if we look, we will come to know that the medical examiner testified in the court that the injuries present on the body of the late daughter could only be caused if she was abused.

The view of other practitioners

On the other hand, the pathologists who have reviewed similar cases are of a different opinion. They suggest that the fall might have caused the injuries and the bruises. Several other medical practitioners have said that the medical examiner falsified the details.

The past records

If we dive into the details, we will know that the mother of the 12 children has never been abusive towards any of them in the past. Also, the testimonies of the people around her suggest that she was not an abuser. Also, the authorities failed to present any evidence suggesting that the mother was the abusive one and was the reason for her daughter’s death.

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Melissa Lucio daughter autopsy photos have been the talk of the town and the autopsy report tells us about the sufferings that the young one had to face. We hope that the real facts emerge soon so that the case can have a just termination.