Money Heist Season 5 Release Date

Money Heist Season 5 Release Date


Watching a tv series of your liking helps you spend some quality time with yourself and turn a blind eye to all the prevailing problems in life. Money Heist season 5 release date will help you understand when your favourite tv series will be aired and released. The tv series has become the most significant source of entertainment all around the globe. People ensure that they get the episodes of their favourite show as early as possible to satisfy their cravings. Now, although it is challenging to get them on the very first instant but if you are aware of the release date of your favourite tv series, then surely you can get hold of it in time especially if it is the one popular among the whole world such as money heist.

Money Heist Season 5 Release Date

Money Heist is one of the topmost popular tv series of all time. If we take a look at the available facts, we will understand that fans are ready to get a glimpse of their favourite show. They want to ensure that they do not miss the adventure of this legendary series. Now, if we take a look at the facts, then already four seasons have been released on the media platforms, and they have gathered massive attention of the public. Still, if we talk about the fifth season then due to it being the last season, its release was divided into two different parts namely volume 1 and volume 2. Since both volumes will be released separately, therefore, anyone who will stay tuned with this article will get to know the release dates of the famous TV series.

Money Heist Season 5 Release Date And The Love Received From The Fans

For any entertainment material to be successful, it is important that it creates a space in the hearts of fans. If we talk about our favourite Money Heist, it has gathered a huge space in the hearts of the fans. Therefore, it was decided that the first volume of season 5 will be released on 3rd September 2021. The second volume of the Money Heist was destined to be released in December 2021. The fans’ excitement on the social media platforms was genuinely heartwarming, and it melted the hearts of the producers. No other tv series has gathered such importance and love from the public end. This unique treatment was given to Money Heist because of its exciting plot and criminal theories.

Money Heist Season 5 Release Date And The Love Received From The Fans

If we talk about the exact date of the second volume of the Money Heist season 5 release, then it will be on 3rd December on the Netflix platform. This series has gained massive popularity in different parts of the world. Therefore, in a similar pattern to the last four seasons, this one will also be released in various languages and some local languages of India to gather more audience. Now, if we talk about the time when it will be aired, then according to some expert estimates, it was determined that it would be done at 1:30 pm IST on December 3rd, 2021. The season’s plot revolves around crime and robbery, and the patterns introduced in the series regarding thefts are genuinely genius.

The Money Heist Love

According to research, Netflix found that More than 69 million families watched money Heist through different channels. This is a truly incredible number, and not many tv series have been able to attain this number till today. This is the most significant success of any tv series. These are the numbers that tell us about the public’s response to the first volume of the final season. Now you can imagine how the public will be waiting for the second volume and their craze for the series. Since we have got a word from the director of the series who has declared that the next volume of the series will be comparatively more emotional. Thus, we are expecting a higher number of viewers this time. This will be truly epic in the history of television.

The Money Heist Love

The director’s words help us understand that the emotions will initiate with the start of the series. They will continue to the last moment providing the public with the entertainment that the directors have promised from the very first day. The series is so big that it was not shot in a single country. In fact, the fifth season was shot in Spain, Panama, Thailand, Italy, Denmark and Portugal. This is highly amazing for a single series. You cannot expect the directors and the producers to go this far to film the tv show. But to fulfil their promise to the public, the directors and the team circled the world to offer the fans an everlasting experience and a chain of emotion that will not break till the last scene of the series.

The List Of Episodes

Now, if we take a look at the contents of the series, then the first volume of the fifth season was based on 5 episodes. Similarly, the second volume will also comprise of 5 episodes. The list of these five episodes is mentioned below for the enhancement of your knowledge:

  1. Válvulas de Escape (Escape Valves)
  2. Ciencia Ilusionada (Wishful Thinking)
  3. La teoría de La elegancia (The Theory of Elegance)
  4. Lo Que Se Habla En La Cama (Pillow Talk)
  5. Una Tradición Familiar (A Family Tradition)

Although we will witness some new faces for the first time as part of the series. Now, if we take a look at the runtime of the series, it would be approximately 4 hours and 18 minutes of thrill, suspense, action, and drama that will blow the public’s minds.


Money Heist season 5 release date has brought a sense of excitement among the public. People want to ensure that they stay tuned about every update regarding their favourite show. Surely this article will come as a treat for them. We are looking forward to witnessing some amazing content in the series after its release.