Monty Williams New Wife

Monty Williams New Wife


We all know that marriages do not have any security in the celebrity sector, and they do end sooner than the marriages of the rest of the couples. So Monty Williams new wife details should not surprise you at all. But this second marriage is a bit different from the rest we come across while moving into the entertainment sector.

As we all are well aware of the fact that the celebrities from the sports sector are the most appraised ones. Therefore they are considered to be the role models of the general public. Also, if we look at the social media trends, we will find that the names on the top are none other than sports stars. The interest of the public in the life of such figures is so extensive that it cannot be measured so easily. Thus we must conduct some in-depth analysis to learn more.

Who is Monty Williams New Wife

If you are wondering about the new wife of the famed Monty Williams, then you will come across the name Lisa Keeth Williams. Now it might spark your interest, and you will try to learn more about her. Thus, if you initiate research regarding her life, you will know that the famed individual is none other than the famous volleyball player, media face, entrepreneur, Partnership Suit Sales Associate from the US, and internet personality.

Who is Monty Williams

As we have witnessed consistently that the name that has been mentioned alongside hers is Monty Williams. Aren’t you wondering who Monty Williams is? So let us tell you that he has been voted the National Basketball Coaches Association Coach of the year. You will be surprised to know that this is his second consecutive appointment. Since he has led the Suns to 64-18 record wins that have brought the Suns most wins in the season, he has been appointed the coach of the year.

The personal life details

The real name

Now you might be intrigued to learn more about the star wife. Thus it is time that we dive into the personal life details of the famed wife. Thus if we go through the details, we will come to know that the birth name of the star individual is Lisa Michelle Cliver, but after her marriage, she opted for her husband’s surname and changed her name to Lisa Keeth Williams.

The birth details

Now let us dive into the birth details. According to the available information, it is evident that the star was born on 18th May 1980. Also, if we make some simple calculations, we will come to know that the age of the famed individual is currently standing at the mark of 41 years only. If we look at her photos and appearance, we might get deceived by her looks, and we will consider her a much younger person than her age. According to the records, the birthplace is Oakland, California, USA.

Current residence, nationality, religion

If we talk about the current residence of the famed star wife, then it is registered as San Antonio, Texas, USA. Also, those wondering about the famed individual’s nationality will get to know that she is an American. If we talk about Lisa Keeth Williams’s religious beliefs, we will know that she is a follower of Christianity.

The zodiac sign, ethnicity

The date of birth tells us that the zodiac sign is Taurus. One of the major details we are currently missing is regarding the ethnical origin of the famed individual. The available details help us understand that she is ethnically white.

The cuts and curves

We all are well aware that the person in question is a famed female star with a sports past. Therefore the fans will never leave without learning the physical aspects of the famed individuals.

The height mark

If we go through the details, we will come to know that the approximate height of the star wife, according to the expert researchers’ observations, is 5 feet and 7 inches. Thus, if we mention these figures on another scale, we will know that she is 170 cm tall.

Weight mark and important information

The body weight of famous celebrities is of the utmost importance while discussing their physical aspects. The records suggest that the approximate body weight of the famed individual is marked between 54-59 Kg or, in other words, 119-130 pounds. Also, if we talk about her hair, they are brown and medium in length, and her eyes are also brown in color.

The details of in-laws

Currently, the names of her parents and siblings are unknown, but recently we were able to get our hands on the information regarding her in-laws. The information suggests that the name of the father-in-law is Tavares Williams, and the name of her mother-in-law is Joyce Williams.

The stepchildren

As we all know, the famed star coach was also married; therefore, he also had children from the previous marriage. Thus, if we go through the details, we will know that the couple has five children. The names of the stepchildren of Lisa Keeth Williams are mentioned below for the enhancement of your knowledge:

  • Micah Williams
  • Lael Williams
  • Elijah Williams
  • Janna William
  • Faith Williams

The net worth value 

Are you wondering about the financial figures of the famed wife? Surely you are. So let us tell you that her approximate net worth value is about 3 to 4 million US dollars. Thus we can say that she is living a lavish married life.

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Monty Williams new wife is none other than Lisa Keeth Williams. The details mentioned above will help you understand the famed individual’s details and look into her past. Although many aspects of her life are shared with the fans, we are still seeking more information soon.