Peppermint Tea Benefits: Why Consume the Herbal Tea?

peppermint tea benefits

MoreHave you heard of infusions or tisanes before? Infusions are nothing but herbal teas that have been in use for many centuries. People have either used herbal teas for treating ailments or consumed as healthy beverages. One such herbal tea with enormous health benefits is peppermint tea. There are various peppermint tea benefits with respect to immune system improvement, as well as soothing your nerves.

It is safe to admit that a cup of peppermint tea can provide you enough warmth to combat cold afternoons. However, did you know there is more to just warmth and comfort? Peppermint tea can offer you a myriad range of health benefits, some of which may astonish you strangely! You can use essential oils of peppermint for aromatherapy. Peppermint tea benefits go back in time when people used it as a potent remedy and not just a drink.

Prevalence of herbal tea

Earlier people practiced the consumption of herbal teas as a part of a natural home remedy for relieving different health issues. Nowadays, you mostly rely on medicines and other drug options to treat even a simple headache. Did you know that peppermint tea benefits include the simplest of natural remedies to headaches?

Nutritionists, health professionals, and herbalists support the use of herbal teas like peppermint as a cure and a soothing drink. Peppermint tea benefits are not just restricted to calming your nerves or headaches, but also boost your mental health and overall immune system.

Get familiar with the multiple peppermint tea benefits, as it serves as the perfect health tonic with a soothing aroma. Herbal teas are mostly aromatic that soothes your body and calms down your stressed mind.

When coming back home after a long tiring day full of work stress, grab a cup of peppermint tea, and relax. Just imagine experiencing aromatherapy in a small cup of peppermint tea. Inhaling the heavenly aroma of peppermint tea can instantly mollify your tiredness- one of the most effective peppermint tea benefits.

What is peppermint all about?

Peppermint is a kind of hybrid herb, a health-promising cross between a spearmint and a water mint. The scientific notation of the peppermint plant is Mentha x piperita, signifying the mint cross of two herbs. Peppermint is indigenous to regions of the Middle East and Europe, but now you can see the plant growing almost everywhere. You may occasionally notice peppermint plants growing in their wild form along with the parent species.

The classification of peppermint is quite interesting. The kingdom to which peppermint belongs is Plantae, followed by classes of tracheophytes, angiosperms, eudicots and asterids. Order of peppermint is Lamiales, belonging to the family of Lamiaceae. The genus of peppermint is Mentha (for mint plants) which has a species combination of 25 members.

Ancient Romans, Egyptians, and Greek used various species of mint including peppermint in the form of medications for several centuries. Nobody knew until the seventeenth century that peppermint was actually a sub-species or cross herb of two mint plants.

One of the most common peppermint tea benefits including warming you up on a cold winter night. If you are suffering from common cold and cough, peppermint tea with ginger extracts and honey is an excellent option.

How should you use peppermint?

You can make tea out of peppermint leaves, or extract the essential oil for use in capsules or aromatherapy. Commercially, you can easily get peppermint essential oil in the form of liquid bottles and capsules in the local market.

For using peppermint essential oil, you can apply on your skin directly if the composition is a dilute one. If the essential oil is concentrated, it is better not to use directly on your skin to avoid allergic reactions. It can prove to be toxic on the epidermal layer on applying extremely concentrated forms of any essential oils. You can make a mild mixture of two or more essential oils, to get ameliorated skin benefits.

Why is peppermint tea preferred for treating headaches?

Do you suffer from frequent headaches and migraines? How to relieve your mind from work pressure and tensions? No need to worry anymore as peppermint can solve all these issues in a click.

Peppermint leaves have various active phytochemicals including limonene, menthol, and menthone. All these phytochemicals effectively contribute to relieving stress and headaches, with zero side effects. Peppermint plays the role of an excellent muscle relaxant, helping in alleviating pain in no time.

Drinking peppermint tea can significantly control headaches or pains related to migraines and sinuses.  The presence of menthol in the essential oil of peppermint leaves improves blood circulation throughout your body.

When the blood flow enhances, it automatically creates a pleasant cooling effect within your body. Blood reaches your brains improving the neuronal function, thereby fixing the stress of nerves. In this way, all the soreness that you are experiencing in your body easily alleviates so that you can relax.

According to a study, peppermint oil can work even better than placebo oil in relieving forehead pain and migraine. Another study states that the soothing effect of peppermint can be equivalent to treating headaches with 1 gram of acetaminophen.

How does peppermint tea resolve stomach issues?

Are you facing bowel problems such as bloating or indigestion? Production of a lot of gas or acidity after eating foods can be a sign of indigestion. You often ignore digestive disorder symptoms, but they can be sometimes seriously unknown to your knowledge.

One more promising peppermint tea benefits include solving digestive problems. Drinking peppermint tea on a regular basis can ease your digestion process and promote a healthy system. Peppermint extracts help in relaxing your smooth muscles by preventing them from frequent contractions, relieving stomach spasms, and abdominal pain.

In one study, researchers tested on 926 individuals suffering from IBS or irritable bowel syndrome with peppermint oil. After two weeks of constant observation, researchers accomplished that peppermint oil actually works better than placebo oil in resolving IBS.

Scientists carried out another study involving 2000 children in 14 trials. The conclusion was again in favor of peppermint oil. Peppermint could significantly decrease the length, severity, and frequency of abdominal spams in all 2000 children.

Can peppermint improve clogged sinuses?

Peppermint leaves are an exceptional source of phytochemicals exhibiting antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. When bacterial or viral pathogens attack your immune system, they cause moderate to serious infections. Having your sinuses clogged is one of the worst-case scenarios of infection and a weak immune system.

One amazing ingredient present in peppermint is menthol. The power of menthol is relieving clogged sinuses and clearing nasal passages during cold is outstanding. Menthol efficiently improves the flow of air inside the nasal cavity, thereby unclogging sinuses and related pain. You may either drink peppermint tea to get peppermint tea benefits or take steam of peppermint essential oils.

Taking vapors of essential oils is a common practice to release the tension in your nasal passage during a common cold. How to uplift the benefit? Pour a few drops of peppermint oil in boiling water and inhale the steam to release sinus congestion. Taking such easy and small efforts with peppermint extracts can influence relaxed and calming breathing, and unclog sinuses.

As peppermint contains antibacterial properties, it can certainly prevent the multiplication of a few bacteria like-

  • Staphylococcus sp.
  • Soli
  • Salmonella
  • Listeria

Staphylococcus and salmonella are two very dangerous strains of bacteria, causing diseases like pneumonia and typhoid. Phytochemicals like menthol have also some proven antibacterial activity against various tough bacterial strains.

How does peppermint promote energy and weight loss?

When you are following a low-calorie diet for losing weight, adding peppermint tea to it can be a boon. Peppermint tea has an extremely negligible percentage of calories to almost no calories offered. It has a pleasant sweet aroma and flavor that can effectively promote the fat burning process.

Do you want to make a smart move on your weight loss plan? Add peppermint tea to your diet today and enjoy the difference in your body weight in no time!

You can take peppermint extract in the form of oral capsules, a soothing slush, or tea. One study revealed peppermint tea to have effects on your hunger levels, significantly reducing your appetite. When hunger levels are low or satiated, your fat-burning mechanism automatically paces up due to no additional calorie intake.

Day to day stress is a common problem related to both professional and personal lives. After returning home from the office, you often feel fatigue and headache. Tiredness is a sign of low energy. How to regain energy for a better end to your day? Just a mug of peppermint tea!

Peppermint has a proven positive effect on your energy levels, overcoming fatigue, and promoting vitality. Moreover, there are certain active ingredients in peppermint plants that can uplift your energy and improve the cognitive state.

How to improve sleep with peppermint?

One of the most priceless and natural peppermint tea benefits is that it does not contain caffeine. Yes, you heard that right. Having a mug of peppermint tea before bedtime can be an amazing option to get a good night’s sleep.

If you are suffering from insomnia or disturbed sleeping cycles, peppermint oils and teas can help you overcome it. Apart from drinking peppermint tea, you may also try aromatherapy with peppermint essential oils to ensure a good sleep.

Why do you think it is difficult to sleep when you have anxiety? During times of acute stress and anxiety, all the nerves of your body are in the excited state. It is important to soothe your nervous system, including the brain cells to improve the power of focus and peace.

Aromatherapy is an effective option to calm your stressed nerves and ensure better sleep. Properties of peppermint tea like relaxing your muscles and nerves serve as a capable option in improving your naps. Sometimes doctors recommend peppermint oil for insomniac patients since it acts as a sedative.

Can peppermint oil relieve allergies?

Do you have tendencies of seasonal allergies? Try out peppermint oil to get rid of allergic responses like asthma, itchy eyes, and runny nose. An important component present in peppermint extract called rosmarinic acid can efficiently work against seasonal allergic reactions.

Rosmarinic acid is a phytochemical that you can find in plants belonging to the mint family and rosemary. Moreover, you can take oral capsules of peppermint oil with higher rosmarinic acid content to reduce itchiness, inflammation, sneezing, and other seasonal allergies.

What is the recipe behind peppermint tea?

The most amazing fact about peppermint is that you can easily grow the plant in your house, with negligible maintenance. If you have a peppermint plant in your home, you can make a delightful concoction anytime you want. There is no rocket science behind making peppermint tea at home. Simply follow the instructions below and give yourself a treat every day!

To make peppermint tea, you need to take a minimum of 2 cups of water in a bowl first. Wait for the water to boil before adding peppermint leaves. Take a few peppermint leaves and split them into small pieces. Once the water has started to boil, add the pieces of peppermint leaves. The number of leaves will vary depending on how strong you are making the concoction.

Allow the infusion to boil for some minutes. Remember not to strain the infusion right after turning off the burner. Next, you need to let the hot water take up all the aroma and flavor of the peppermint leaves. After some time, strain the concoction into a mug and enjoy your cup of aromatic peppermint tea.

Some variations to your peppermint tea

Without compromising the peppermint tea benefits, there are some variations to try out. You can add a tablespoon of honey to your herbal tea for a sweet flavor. Do not add honey while making the concoction. Always add honey after making your tea.

To spice up your tea, you can even add cinnamon stick, allspice, and whole cloves. Remember to put all the ingredients while making the tea to ensure proper boiling of spices.