Types of At Home Care Service

Home Care Service

Getting an in-home care service does not always mean that one is recovering from an injury or is chronically ill. At Home Care Service is more than that. In many cases, clients just need assistance with daily activities.  In this article, we are going to discuss the different types of home care services. That way, you can have an idea what type of at home care service works best for you and your loved one. 

At-Home Nursing Care

This is the most common type of at home care assistance service. This type of health care is performed by nursing assistants and registered nurses. This setup is with the recommendation of a physician to ensure that there is continuity and stability of treatment at home. Nurses are qualified to perform different types of health support, such as pain management, medication administration, wound dressing, IV therapy, and ostomy care, among others. 

At-Home Physician Care

If the patient requires a higher level of health care at home, physician care is the better option. This type of home care service involves house visits by a licensed physician. Regular doctor visits are necessary to treat the injury or illness, so the patient can receive more specialized care in the comfort of their home.

Occupational and Physical Therapy

This type of care is needed when the patient needs to regain and relearn certain motor skills. Specialized speech, occupational, and physical therapies are provided to improve the patient’s range of motion or impaired speech. Through these, caregiver support forum the patient may be able to perform day-to-day tasks again and have an improved quality of life. 

Companionship Services

Some patients do not require medical care, but simply companionship. This type of home care service is best for them. Aside from providing company, the caregiver will help out with daily activities like light housekeeping, meal preparation, and even grocery shopping.

At-Home Dietary Support

Aging loved ones require a certain diet. To ensure that they eat properly and stay within their dietary restrictions, at-home dietary support is beneficial. A dietician will do home visits to provide nutrition guidance and review their diet. 

Social Services   

Home care services may also involve help from a social service caseworker. The service is performed at home for the welfare and benefit of the patient. This may include counseling and receiving other social benefits and resources. 


Even if the elderly patient does not need medical care at home, he or she may still need transportation going to and from a doctor’s appointment. For many seniors, it is no longer safe to be behind the wheel. Hence, the best option is to get an at-home transportation service. Professionals will drive them safely to and from their appointments. 

Home Health Aide

A home health aid is needed to perform daily tasks and help your aging loved one with day-to-day living. This involves helping them with getting out of bed, bathing, preparing meals, walking, and more. However, a health aide is not certified to perform medical care. The market for home care services is constantly changing, with many people choosing to use apps, which are convenient and cost-effective. However, if you are not ready to do without the convenience of an application, or find your very busy schedule making it difficult to make time for regular visits, there are still some traditional ways that home care equipment can still come in handy. This involves helping them with getting out of bed, bathing, preparing meals, walking, and more. However, a health aide is not certified to perform medical care. Home care equipment varies based on what illnesses and conditions the person is sustaining. Some common types of supplemental equipment for bedridden people who can’t seem to get out of bed or around include: A wheelchair, shower chair, and hospital bed. For those with more mobility issues such as elderly people, home care services for workers can also integrate devices such as walkers, wheelchairs, scooters, and power-driven carts.. Hence, this type of home care is under the supervision of a nurse.

The type of at home care service your loved one needs depend on his illness, injury, or personal circumstances. For your in-home care concerns, check out AtHomeCare. By choosing the right type of care, your loved one will enjoy an improved quality of life.