You will often find yourself googling answers to most of your questions. However, “what should I do with my life” is a question that Google cannot help you with ultimately. To find the answer to this, you will need to consult with people who have discovered their paths in life. The solution also depends from one person to another, especially on your choices and talents that you have.
Above everything else, you must not worry about asking yourself, what should I do with my life because several other people have the same question too. It is alright to feel lost at some point in your life. It is precisely when you need answers to life questions, and the help comes when you start talking about it.
In this article, we have tried to compile the experiences and opinions of several people who have answered the question of what should I do with my life. Since every person is in a different situation and chooses different options in life, a few answers in this list may solve your problem too. So, do not waste much time and see what you want to do at the next step in your life.
Table of Contents
What should I do with my life- Various suggestions
As mentioned earlier, there is nothing wrong with asking yourself, what should I do with my life? However, it is wrong if you do not want to take suggestions from people around you. It is because in that way you will confuse yourself more and also lose track of your aims and ambitions in life.
1. Interact with people
Successful people often say that they found inspiration from different people, such as a close relative or their partner or a friend, and so on. It is nothing but the benefits you can receive through healthy communication. If you feel lost in life, try connecting with 20-25 people whom you know intimately. Try to visit them and ask them what they are doing in life.
It is a fact that there will be a lot of communication about the problems that they are facing, but a lot of motivation comes along with that. Try to listen to them carefully and be empathetic. Reading between the lines will help you to understand their journey better. Who knows, you might find some inspiration and motivation from someone else’s success story.
2. Learn from your own mistakes
You might have an idea to start a new venture. However, you are not confident enough that it will work. The suggestion is that you start taking baby steps towards it to at least see how it works, or better to understand why it fails. It is always better to learn from your own mistakes than to do further research and keep waiting for the correct time.
The question of what should I do with my life is intense, and you are the one who can ultimately help yourself come out of the confusion. Even the most successful people in the world have fallen at some point. The fact that makes them different from other people is that they learned from their mistakes. Moreover, they dared to accept their mistakes and get up and work again.
That is how life should go on, filled with highs and lows. However, if you simply sit back at home thinking nothing is going to work, sorry, but that is going to become real. So, do not waste any more time and start working towards your dreams today.
3. Keep in mind the success stories of other people
Experts say that taking inspiration from people who have achieved their goals makes you more ambitious, motivated, and confident. The next time when you ask yourself the question of what should I do with my life, read this suggestion for a more comfortable solution.
You do not have to go very far to find inspiration or read about someone’s success. Just enter a bookstore and pick up the biography of a famous personality to see how they shaped their life.
The fact is that no one is born to become successful. It is their actions that lead them towards their goal. Once you buy a book, read a part of it every night before going to bed. The next morning when you wake up to make sure you are feeling fresh, and you are ready for new challenges.
Whenever you start planning your day, try to think of something new, productive, and different that you can achieve that day. If you plan your actions in this manner, there is no way that you will fail in life.
4. The journey will be long
When you are solving the question of what should I do with my life, you must also make sure that you are ready for all the challenges that life throws at you. You must keep calm and be patient because the journey is going to be long, and there can be several hardships throughout. Besides, you must understand that you don’t achieve your goals overnight. It may require months for a person to reach there, and dedication is key to sure shot success.
A lot of people have this misconception that they will suddenly wake up one morning and find out the meaning of life. It does not happen that way. It takes days of focus and dedication to understanding what we want in life. So, brace yourselves well for the journey in which you may fall at times too. Moreover, you need to be ready to make up quick decisions whenever required during the course.
5. Try doing new things in life
When you ask yourself, what am I meant to do with my life, it is time you also realize that it is time for you to step out of your comfort zones. So, you must start trying new things too experience different sides of life. You will be amazed to learn that there are so many different experiences for you to enjoy out there.
It is essential not to be restrictive in life. You should always have that zeal to keep trying new things whenever you get a chance. The main reason is that you are still unaware of what becomes your calling one beautiful day.
You may also be surprised to learn that something so unexpected was what you always wanted to do in life. You must make your life adventurous and happening so that there is no boredom to pull you back.
6. Learn to accept failure
We all know the saying that goes like “failures are the pillars to success.” Now, this proverb can have a dual meaning. The first and the most common is that you endure your mistakes and move towards better. However, on the contrary, you must also understand that you are not to be ok with making mistakes. Accepting your mistakes can never mean that you start comfortably living with them for the rest of your life.
When you read autobiographies of famous personalities and successful people, you will find a lot in common. One thing that gets highlighted is that no failure could ever stop them from progressing in life. They learned from their mistakes and never repeated them, which is also a great mantra to success.
Failures are a common thing when you are set for a long journey that leads to self-discovery and your goals. So, make your own mistakes, learn from them, and leave them behind never to repeat them. The goal is to take lessons from the mistakes you make. Well, these are the most important lessons that you will ever learn in life.
7. It’s ok not to know everything
No one is perfect, and likewise, none of us know everything in life. Besides, that not knowing is what has pushed us to start the journey of self-discovery. The best part is that there is a lot of fun in not knowing because then you remain curious during the quest to find answers for life.
Life will become annoying if you have found answers to everything. Plus, feeling evident in every situation takes away that zeal to try new things in life. So, be happy to not know about everything around you so that there are still things for you to find out.
The best careers from you to choose
Often, the question of what should I do with my life leads towards your job and what you want to do with it. Here are some career options that may help you to make an easier decision.
1. Actuary
If you think you are friendly with numbers and love to work with them, this might be your call. In this field, you have to work on statistics, researches, risk analyzation, and more in the economic and financial sectors. You will surely need graduation along with special certification to apply for jobs in actuaries. However, the effort is worth it because it is now one of the highest-paid jobs globally.
2. HR specialist
When you have the question of what should I do with my career, choices such as these make it easier for you. Every company around the world needs a strong HR team to manage their work and execute decisions. The HR managers and specialists are the ones who handle the administrative as well as people management of a company.
The HR manager comes up with innovative ideas to increase labor efficiency. The HR specialist is also the one responsible for supervising all the recruitment related activities taking place in the company. An HR specialist is a highly sought-after job both due to its quality profile and also the remuneration.
3. Research analyst
The position is as smart as it sounds. Well, there may be several kinds of research work, but we will mainly stress on the work of a market analyst. In the commercial industry, there is a lot of research that takes place before the launch of a new product, and even after that. As an analyst, you will be responsible for the study of the current market conditions.
You will have to do thorough research and come up with facts and figures about the demand and supply conditions, the suitability of the product, and other suggestions related to that. Post-production, you will again have to keep an eye on the market competition and how well your product is selling in the market. Isn’t it truly dynamic and exciting?
4. Freelancer
Freelancing is the new cool now! Saying that it is essential for you to understand the reason behind its popularity. The major-most reason that a lot of people are shifting towards freelancing is that they are otherwise unable to maintain a work-life balance. As a result, there is a lot of problem with their physical and mental health.
In freelancing, there is a lot of scopes for a person to work according to their flexible timings and places. Besides, freelancing takes into consideration your specific skill set too. So, whether you are a writer, engineer, photographer, or an IT professional, there is work for each one of you.
The best part is that you can spend enough time with your family and earn for them too. Moreover, you can stay away from the rigid office environment and the pressure from your hierarchy. You can now choose the timing comfortable for you to work and carry on in your comfort zone.
5. Follow your passion
There has been a lot of peer pressure regarding what you must become. Let us put an end to all of that and start pursuing what we want to do in life. You don’t need to become an engineer or a doctor. There is so much more to life, and you can surely make a living by following your passion and dreams. You may become a painter, dancer, musician, or a stand-up comedian too. The thing is that you must know how to go about in life and market your talent to make a living out of it.
Final thoughts
It is indeed an emotional journey when you want to discover what you want to achieve in life. We all have questions, and here you will just find a few tips and techniques to make it a little more comfortable for you.